Become a Mentor Today
A Mentoring Lifeline for Our Youth
TEAM UP Connections has adopted a group mentoring and secondary life skills component to help youth to stay clear of negative influences by keeping them engaged in structured activities and provide them with the opportunity to interact with positive peers and mentors that speaks life into a child's future by being the example and showing them the way.
Our program put a strong emphasis on helping our participants resist the negative influences that so easily entrap youth today. We strongly believe mentoring encourages a mentor-to-mentee relationship that is centrally and critically based out of people who genuinely care.

Mentoring Matters
It Takes the Right Village
At TEAM UP Connections not only do we believe it takes a village to raise a child, we believe it takes the right village, the right values and the right heart. We connect family and community by providing positive foundational structure that enhances the spirit, soul, and body.
Who Do We Serve?
The target population for TEAM UP Connections programs are the youth ranging from ages 7 to 17 years of age. A vast number of our youth are referred to us through law enforcement, school resource officers, ten court and juvenile justice.
Teach the youth diligently. Teach the youth continually. Teaching is the practical process we use in tutoring, showing and demonstrating positive pro-social life skills in decision making, problem solving, conflict resolution and anger management.
Providing youth intellectual, moral and social instruction to address the school domain with the idea of alleviating any discouragement that they cannot perform at their current grade level. TEAM UP Connections has incorporated various educational tools that meet the current curriculum standards for National and State achievement.
TEAM UP Connections unapologetically believe that children are a gift. We strongly believe it is our responsibility to recognize the unique gifts and talents that is distinctively woven into the identity of their True Purpose. We provide a support system to parents and families that strategically addresses unfortunate situations that may have led their child to our program with the end goal of a positive turn around.
The mentoring will consist of a variety of skill building techniques to addresses the concerns of young children to the older teenage population. Some of the mentioned techniques will include positive interpersonal skills, communication strategies, restorative conversations & practices, team building, classroom management and instructional strategies.
Help Change a Life
Think Mentoring
A mentor may provide guidance, emotional support, and role modeling.
A mentor may help youth with exploring career opportunities by setting goals, developing contacts and identifying resources.
A mentor has the ability and willingness to value mentees as a person of worth, develop mutual trust and respect, maintain confidentiality, develop conflict resolution skills, and focuses on the mentee's growth and development.
A mentor listens to the concerns of the mentee, offer challenging ideas that promotes positive growth, builds confidence, offer wise counsel, encourages and inspires.
The Mentor-Mentee Relationship
Discuss challenges from a place of experience
Keep relationship professional
Be compassionately direct with feedback
Make it a Win-Win professional relationship
Prioritize checking in with each other
Establish clear boundaries
Act as a sounding board for each other
Only mentor someone you can give your all
Showcase your mentorship work
Show each other respect
Understand the difference between coach, sponsor,
and mentor

Mentoring Resources
Source for summaries of mentoring research and best practices.
Center for Evidence-Based Mentoring
Earn your GED or HISET through Central Piedmont Community College adult student program. Finish High School, Get Career Training: College & Career Readiness
It is our goal to provide all possible resources to our parents and mentees so that they are assured in making the best decisions for their children.